"You will die alone. Out in the cold.. impaled and humiliated. They will try to make an example out of you. A nightmare to be remembered for those who dare raise their voice. ..fading away into oblivion after everything you would sacrifice. But tell me son, is it worth the redemption you so desperately seek? Every hit you take, every cut you endure... paying the price for every fragment of truth and justice you deliver to the helpless ones? ..answering to the souls of hundreds who perished on that fateful day?
- Gray, fellow inmate of Aiden Pearce
Hey guys, so this week I experimented with a different approach in artstyle and did some writing as well. Being a huge fan, the comic artstyle has always helped me look at stories with better clarity and narration. And this update specially has been a lot of fun. Anyways, off to more updates now! Have a great weekend!